Where we live can have a profound impact on our health. Whether we have access to parks, shaded streets, or transit influences how well we are able to stay physically active. Living in dense neighbourhoods with mixed land use encourages us to walk or cycle for our daily activities. Trees and shaded streets cool and clean the air, providing relief from extremely hot temperatures, especially in cities.
HealthyPlace.City is a tool aimed at answering that question for citizens and community groups by increasing awareness of the built environment and its connections to health and climate change.
Providing environmental exposure data across four indexes – heat islands, parks & recreation, local communities, and air & noise pollution – HealthyPlace.City enables you to see how your neighbourhoods, built environment goods and environmental exposures affect your health. Using nationally consistent data, you can also compare how your neighbourhoods environment compares to others in your city or any other Canadian city.
We are looking for your feedback! Test out the tool and fill out whichever one of the surveys below best matches who you are.